Thursday, 19 April 2012

Rage on sale, now only £14.99

Today I went to do a little bit of food shopping so that I didn’t starve, woman does not live by Easter egg alone, and I have a nasty habit of waiting until my fridge is completely devoid of anything edible before motivating myself to pick up some more. As usual, however, I cannot have a single day where the universe doesn’t throw something in my face to make me rage.

So anyway, there I was waiting in line for a little because something’s obviously going wrong with the transaction in front, no big deal, when the middle age woman who is being served just starts bellowing at this young girl working the checkouts. I mean seriously having a proper go just because this girl is not allowed to sell her this CD she wants because there’s been a recall. Well if it wasn’t obvious by now I’m not the kind of person who just sits back when shit like that happens.

Who the hell could ever think that was okay? You can’t have exactly what you want so you’re going to throw your fucking dummy out of the pram, is that it, you entitled bitch? People who think that the world owes them something really get on my nerves. The girl isn’t allowed to sell you the item. That’s not her fault, that’s just her job and she has to follow the rules. Buying luxuries is not some fundamental human right; people do not exist purely to provide for you, to cater to your whims. Where the fuck do you get off making someone else’s life miserable for so selfish a reason?

Anyway, this poor fucking girl was in tears so I gave the bitch a piece of my mind. She wasn’t expecting that, that’s for sure. It’s fair enough when you want to bully someone who you know full well isn’t going to say anything back because she’d lose her job, but the moment I stepped in and started intimidating her all the colour drained from her face, like your typical fucking coward. Naturally she gave me the same old tired lines about “why does it matter to me” or “mind your own business”. I figure that as a reasonable human being it is my bloody business to step in when others are being mistreated, thank you very much. If more people stood up for one another, instead of letting entitled assholes who think that the sun revolves around them get their way, the world would be a better place to live.

Well eventually the manager comes along with security, and with a little explanation from the staff she kicks the self-absorbed bitch out of the store and everyone got to continue shopping like civilized human beings. I got a little thank you and a few words of approval, but the real reward was cutting that wretch down to size.

Seriously, when has it ever been socially acceptable to demand things of others? When has it been okay to callously disregard the emotions of other people in favour of your own material gain? It takes some kind of sick, twisted human being to think that they just outright deserve things, and take it out on the world when they don’t get them. Pure, unrestrained greed to the sacrifice of others, and for the sake of something so shallow and meaningless.

Of all of the types of people in this world, entitled people disgust me the most.


  1. The real reward is the target's response! :)

    1. Oh, but of course. I am a fighter for social justice second, angry ball of teeth and claws first.

  2. And the best reward is if they try to take a swing at you ^,.,^ Getting to see their ass carted off to jail is a great joy to behold...

    I used to work as a foodstuffs bag boy at a store a few years back and it was always amazing to listen to the customers bitch about high prices. They would bitch at me like I was the cause of the prices, and then two or three days later I'd see them again in the store spouting the same lines. Granted, it would cost an extra .1 Gallon of gasoline to get to one of the five or six other foodstuff stores, half of which had comparable quality goods for a cheaper price, but no... they came to bitch.

    Another situation, similar experience, when I worked at one of the above mentioned cheaper stores that was maybe 4 miles away from the one I worked as a bagger. This time, the bitching was more drawn out and diverse. This was at Wal-Mart, by the way. Huge store! People would complain about a) having to walk around such a large store for an hour to get everything they needed, b) having to walk around for an hour just to find the ten things that they always buy but from week to week cannot or will not remember where the fuck it is, c) complain that we move crap around too much like we had a choice not to (corporate does the shuffling of product to force people to look for stuff and in the process see other things that they might have otherwise gone past without noticing), d) the quality of the stuff sold is crap (sorta true but what do you really expect from a company that was started selling obscure brand items of questionable quality?), or e) prices... always with the prices!

    Oh, one more that fits pretty well with this rageblog; f) Why don't you have [insert random ass item here]? The Wal-Mart 10 miles away has it! You should have it too! [rage rage rage]... If it is at a store 10 miles away, go the fuck over there and fucking buy it from that fucking store! So what if you always buy your shit from this store! If you don't like the selection fucking leave! [end personal rant]

    I usually shop where I work so I have never had the pleasure of blowing up on someone being an ass where I shop. If I did, even if off the clock, I would get fired because I worked in a highly visible area and just about anyone shopping for foodstuffs saw me at some point in their journey down the aisles.

    Also, crying children in stores... many times have I wanted to yell out, "Shut that fucking kid up or GTFO my store!". Not much disturbs my peace of mind more than a child that is so pampered that they cry when they don't get something they want... if I ever pulled that shit with my parents at a store we would forget about buying anything from the store and just walk right out, leaving the cart where ever it stopped. Would then be forced to eat the blandest of meals and then get sent to my room for the night.

    Sorry if it seems like a mini-rageblog of its own, but while typing this so many customer-service memories erupted out of my fingertips and it sorta spewed onto here >.<

    1. Actually it's great when people have their own stories to share on an issue.

      It's disheartening, though, that there are so many people in the world concerned only with themselves, lacking any real concept of how the world works and being unable to separate the abstract concept of a corporation from the individual human beings that work there.

      I've worked plenty of customer service roles in the past and I can't say that I've ever enjoyed it, working for the sake of helping people out a bit ought not to be a chore, but it's the obstinate people you have to deal with that make it that way, and there's no reason for it.

  3. :D awesome! I always love it when someone stands up for a victimized person and I hope that greedy wench won't forget the ownage you gave to her. Everything else you already said in the blog, and i couldn't agree more. People that loose touch with reality and come up with all kinds of stupid demands should be left in dwarf fortress, and not reality itself.

    My father could tell quite some tales of all the unreasonable shit he has encountered, since he is a train driver, and no matter what circumstance, like recently, the police blocking off the entire rail -> all the rage falls on him, people coming up to him yelling why the fuck he doesn't drive and what kind of moron he is. With everyday, he is increasingly loathing humanity more and more :D

    nice to see other people now posting too! And it's even good posts too! ;P

    Thanks for reading! Wish everybody well ;D

    1. A train driver? Ouch, yeah they get some serious undeserved abuse. I could never do that.

  4. Yeah, the problem is that people do not see that employees in businesses do not all share in the management, and inevitably it's the the people at the customer end who get all the nonsense spouted at them, when of course the people at the customer end are the ones who play no part in [insert complaint here].
